Transforming Land Acquisition: Ensuring Fairness, Transparency, and Efficiency for Government and Landowners

With the government facing pressures over the transparency and fairness of private land acquisition, we helped to devise a new operating model to streamline their efforts. 

Our goal was to strike a balance between the property rights of land-owners and the necessity of land and public infrastructure in serving growing populations, making the acquisition process more equitable, engaging, and fair for the land-owners while improving Government accountability. 

Our Process

We worked with key Government agencies, designing and implementing a new Land Acquisition Operating Model, focusing on the desired objectives. 

This included the provision of resources and assistance to landowners, fair and transparent market valuations, and dedicated management personnel to guide landowners through the process. 


The Results

The new operating model yielded the following results:

Enhanced Efficiency in Land Acquisition Processes: Streamlining the land acquisition process through a new operating model significantly reduced administrative delays and costs associated with land acquisitions.

Increased Transparency: Implementing clear, accessible, and transparent procedures for land acquisition ensures that all stakeholders have access to the same information.

Improved Stakeholder Engagement: A focus on equitable and engaging processes means that landowners and affected parties are more actively involved in consultations, leading to better outcomes that consider and incorporate stakeholder concerns and suggestions.

Fair Compensation and Support for Landowners: Ensuring fair compensation and providing adequate support services for those affected by land acquisition not only mitigates the impact on landowners but also fosters a sense of justice and respect for individual property rights.

Accountability and Performance Metrics: Ongoing evaluation and improvement of the land acquisition process, ensuring that objectives are met and resources are used effectively.

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Listen to our podcast

Series 2 - Embracing organisational change Episode 2


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