A Government Agency's Inspiring Turnaround: Boosting Efficiency, Clarity, and Employee Engagement After a MoG Change.

A government agency faced the daunting challenge of redefining its strategic plans following a Machinery of Government (MoG) change.

Years of alterations left the agency confused about its role, which led to a significant drop in employee engagement, as evidenced by alarmingly low scores on the PMES survey.

Our Process

To tackle these issues, our team conducted a comprehensive analysis of the agency, involving:

  • Interviews with over 50 stakeholders to gather insights and understand their concerns.

  • Numerous workshops aimed at fostering collaboration and brainstorming ideas.

  • Benchmarking against other teams and agencies to identify best practices.

  • Data analysis to pinpoint areas for improvement.

These activities enabled us to provide clarity on the agency's role, vision, and value proposition while identifying opportunities to enhance their processes and systems.


The Results

Our intervention resulted in remarkable benefits for the government agency:

Enhanced Efficiency and Effectiveness: The agency achieved a notable increase in its operational efficiency and effectiveness in meeting strategic goals. This improvement was driven by a clearer understanding of its role, vision, and value proposition, enabling more focused and strategic efforts.

Improved Employee Morale and Engagement: There was a significant boost in employee morale and engagement levels. Staff members gained a deeper appreciation for their contributions and a better understanding of how their work aligns with the agency's broader mission, fostering a more motivated and committed workforce.

Strengthened Collaboration with Stakeholders: The intervention facilitated better collaboration between the agency and its stakeholders. Enhanced partnerships and synergies emerged as a result, contributing to more cohesive and effective execution of initiatives.

Cost Savings Through Strategic Resource Allocation: By identifying and prioritising high-impact initiatives, the agency was able to optimise its resource allocation, leading to considerable cost savings without compromising on the quality or effectiveness of its service delivery.

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