Listen in to hear some successful ways that TAFE NSW has measured skills initiatives. Julie Tickle, Chief People Officer, talks through 360 reviews, self-assessments, and piloting initiatives with iterations over time that have worked well at TAFE NSW.
Involving employees in activities within an organisation that is outside their role or function can be a great way to identify and develop skills. Listen to Julie Tickle, Chief People Officer at TAFE NSW, as she explains how TAFE NSW establishes a working group for its staff recognition awards each year.
Listen in as Julie Tickle, Chief People Officer at TAFE NSW, explains how vital line managers, informal and formal mentors, and coaches are in identifying and bringing out people's latent skills.
In achieving its vision to be the lifelong learning provider to the community and learners it serves across NSW, TAFE NSW has developed a comprehensive learning and development plan that fosters continual learning for its staff. Listen to Julie Tickle, Chief People Officer at TAFE NSW, as she explains TAFE NSW's approach.
Whether you have strong technical or human skills, an underlying factor in success in these areas is others. You need other people to work with you to achieve outcomes for your organisation. Listen in to Julie Tickle, Chief People Officer at TAFE NSW, as she explains striking the balance between both of these skillsets.
It's no surprise that digital skills have become increasingly in demand in recent years as we apply how we work in a digital environment. Still, several soft or human skills have also become critically important. Listen in as Julie Tickle, Chief People Officer at TAFE NSW, outlines these human skills and why they are essential.
Listen to Julie Tickle, Chief People Officer for TAFE NSW, share how TAFE NSW uses skills-based role-play and assessment in interviews, as well as the NSW Public Sector Framework, to outline the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform roles effectively in a large organisation of 15,000 employees.
One of the most relevant questions for organisations tackling the current skills landscape is: Are skills more important than qualifications? Listen to Julie Tickle, Chief People Officer at TAFE NSW, as she gives her unique and perhaps unexpected perspective on this question.