Frequently asked questions.

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  • What are the critical things leaders must get right in creating multidisciplinary teams?

    Martin Hehir, Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer for the Governance and Corporate Group within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, has put together several multi-disciplinary teams throughout his public sector career. In this frequently asked question, Martin talks about how essential it is to have role clarity for members of these teams so that you have the critical skills needed for everyone to be able to question things, but also have something to add to the conversations.

  • What advice do you have for other leaders experiencing ongoing friction in their team?

    Being authentic as a leader requires you to take a look at yourself to see if you are part of the problem, especially when your team is experiencing ongoing friction. Martin Hehir, Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer for the Governance and Corporate Group within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, explains this further as he looks back over his career in leading others. He also speaks about how, as leaders, you have to be willing to change how you lead and be able to question why people are responding the way they are and adapt accordingly.

  • How can leaders turn friction in a team into a positive and respectful collaboration?

    Martin Hehir, the Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer for the Governance and Corporate Group within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, talks us through how many organisations can experience a level of friction when putting together teams in organisations, especially when they haven’t typically worked that way previously. He explains how, as leaders, if done respectfully with everyone engaged, permitting people to disagree can help determine and achieve the best outcome possible.

  • How have you adapted your leadership style in the past?

    How would you adapt your leadership style when faced with the opportunity to take on a senior leadership role in a new department with 20X the number of employees to lead? Listen in as Martin Hehir, the Deputy Secretary, and Chief Operating Officer for the Governance and Corporate Group within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, explains how, in his earlier career, when taking the step into senior leadership roles, he adapted part of his style in terms of how he communicated, thought about the work itself and engaged. Martin talks about the importance of keeping part of his style so that he felt he wasn’t entirely out of his comfort zone but that stretching in new ways and experiencing a degree of discomfort was worth it for the results achieved.

  • What are the most critical success factors in organisational transformation?

    Listen in as Mandy Young, Chief Executive of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority, discusses the critical success factors in approaching organisational transformation being people, systems, and processes, and shares her direct experience working on the transformation of the Victim’s Compensation and Support Scheme at the Department of Communities and Justice. Mandy provides her perspectives on how critical it is to involve the voices of the people that the change will impact the most from the outset and the importance of communicating. She also talks about setting short, medium, and long-term goals and how to keep building trust more and more throughout the process.

  • Is there a go-to roadmap or process to follow with transformation?

    Have you ever heard the sayings “Culture will eat strategy for breakfast,” or “form should follow function”? Listen in as Mandy Young, Chief Executive of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority, explains these in context with organisational transformation and how people, systems and processes create the roadmap to follow and that you can’t think and approach these things unless you do it with people.

  • How important is testing piloting and pivoting?

    Listen in to Mandy Young, Chief Executive of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority, as she discusses the importance of testing, piloting, and pivoting, sharing her direct experiences working for Service NSW during COVID-19, where she was responsible for determining and delivering many initiatives with rapid turnarounds including the Dine and Discover vouchers. Mandy explains how, on the day of the launch of the vouchers, the system crashed and how they used the experience of this fast failure’ as a learning opportunity to ‘fix it fast’ and succeed for subsequent voucher rollouts.

  • How do you build a culture where failure is seen as a learning opportunity?

    Listen in as Mandy Young, Chief Executive of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority, discusses how vital leadership and the authorising environment are in enabling others to try and give things a calculated go while understanding the risks.

  • How important is it for organisations to be inclusive and diverse?

    “Kindness is always the answer, and being inclusive is just about being kind and respectful of other people.” Mandy Young, Chief Executive of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority, explains this further in this frequently asked question as she talks about how important diversity is and the diversity of thought, which enables people to have real conversations that can achieve better outcomes.

  • What is your advice to leaders on starting to become more inclusive?

    “You can’t be strong for others and create the environment you want if you aren’t feeling safe yourself.” Mandy Young, Chief Executive of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority, shares some wise advice for leaders in starting to become more inclusive to begin by being kind to themselves, giving yourself space and time to retreat and rebuild if that’s the right place for you and that it’s all about getting the right balance and getting to know yourself too.  

  • How do you maintain momentum over the long-term and keep others engaged?

    Having a clear purpose and belief that something can work and potentially change people’s lives can help you and others to hang in there and keep trying when you hit snags and roadblocks. Mandy Young, Chief Executive of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority, talks through how maintaining momentum takes time, grit, and resilience, but if you believe in the outcomes of the work you are doing, you will start to see green shoots and find people that believe in the purpose and become supporters too.