Frequently asked questions.

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  • How relevant are adaptability and resilience for leaders in approaching change?

    Adaptability and resilience are key, especially when your organisation is growing or needs to change its focus on what it might be delivering. It’s inevitable that when you’re going through a change, you will come up against many ‘new’ elements. Tess Bishop, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Secretary of Strategy, Enterprise, and Engagement at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, shares how a quote from Martha Stewart: “When you learn something new every day, you can teach something new every day” really resonated with her, both on a personal note on reflecting how and I learning and changing, and then as a leader in how she is sharing her learning with her teams.  

    Listen to her full episode here

  • How important is it to have inclusive and diverse perspectives at the decision-making table?

    Gender and diversity are really important to Tess Bishop. As the Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Secretary of Strategy, Enterprise, and Engagement at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, Tess is the gender champion and is passionate about supporting women in leadership. Tess explains that diversity is many things; at its essence, it’s really about embracing that we are all different and come from various backgrounds. If we can come together and bring our differences to the table, and leaders can take an open-minded approach, they can leverage great benefits.

    Listen to her full episode here

  • How important is a culture of curiosity and innovation?

    In short, it’s essential. Tess Bishop, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Secretary of Strategy, Enterprise, and Engagement at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, shares how her department is creating a safe space, both physically, and psychologically, where staff can bring new ideas and perspectives to the department and how, throughout her career, Tess has seen that the most significant policy and project outcomes have been where opens have been put on the table, research has been done, and people are open to new ways of doing things.

    Listen to her full episode here

  • How do you keep moving forward when you hit roadblocks?

    In this FAQ, Tess Bishop, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Secretary of Strategy, Enterprise, and Engagement at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, discusses how she reframes roadblocks as challenges and opportunities. Leaders are only as good as their teams as everyone continues to face challenges and work through changes. Tess shares how her leadership team energises her and works together to navigate challenges and support their department through change.

    Listen to her full episode here

  • How do you encourage learning agility within your workforce?

    Listen in as Tess Bishop, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Secretary of Strategy, Enterprise, and Engagement at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, shares her passion for getting out and seeing how things happen firsthand. She speaks about how, while reading a brief can be fantastic, seeing policy in action enables her staff to give her direct feedback, and she can see how that impacts their work directly. Tess also discusses how she changed her role to include ‘engagement,’ as engagement is how you learn, and you need to be open to the ways that people learn by opening up different communication channels.

    Listen to her full episode here

  • What advice would you give leaders on developing adaptability and instilling resilience in their team?

    Tess Bishop, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Secretary of Strategy, Enterprise, and Engagement at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, answers this question from an individual perspective, of how she finds it important as a leader to keep an open mind and to surround yourself with people who will challenge you, and engaging in dialogue about ideas that you’re putting forward and even questioning them. Tess also stresses the importance of being mindful of the pace you are setting for yourself and your team and not going too fast, as you can wear yourself and your team out as well.

    Listen to her full episode here