It’s a known fact that many employees will leave their organisation if they don’t feel they are getting the proper support and learning development. Listen to Maeve Neilson, General Manager of Health, Safety and Security for the Ministry of Justice in New Zealand, as she explains how learning and development contribute to culture by helping staff feel that their contribution to the organisation makes a difference.
With multiple generations within each workforce, have you ever stopped to think about how learning may differ for a Millennial, a Gen Z, a Gen X, or a Baby Boomer? Does it matter? Maeve Neilson, General Manager of Health, Safety and Security for the Ministry of Justice in New Zealand, provides her perspective on how to avoid the generational judgement by having deeper conversations around what each individual needs and what that looks like for them in this frequently asked question.
Feeling a sense of belonging and connection to an organisation can contribute greatly to an organisation’s culture, but it can also play a pivotal role in helping employees to reengage and reduce burnout. In this frequently asked question, Maeve Neilson, General Manager of Health, Safety, and Security for the Ministry of Justice in New Zealand, takes us through her perspectives on how employees need to get to know themselves first and then understand the organisation they work for and how what they deliver adds value.
Everyone is talking about creating a culture of learning in their organisation and promoting lifelong learning within their workforce, but how do you achieve it? Maeve Neilson, General Manager of Health, Safety and Security for the Ministry of Justice in New Zealand, takes us through her top tips on doing just this including talking to your team and stakeholders, listening with EQ, connecting to the bigger picture, being curious, leading by example and never stop learning.