For leaders to manage failure within their teams, it’s important that they reflect on their own careers to remember the times when they have failed to help foster resilience and create a work environment where it is ok to fail. Maree Bridger, Chief Operating Officer at the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication, and the Arts, provides some important lessons for leaders in acknowledging their own mistakes early, being accountable for the mistakes of their team, and not shooting off blame to an individual as these actions lead to create teams that are loyal and resilience and helps to build an environment full of trust and respect.
Listen to her full episode here
Taking the time and effort to capture the sentiment and feedback and presenting this back to your decision-makers in a format they would appreciate and understand cannot be underestimated. Listen in as Maree Bridger, Chief Operating Officer at the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication, and the Arts, discusses this further through her experiences working in the public sector.
Listen to her full episode here
Maree Bridger, Chief Operating Officer at the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication, and the Arts, shares some of the challenges of running a large department where there can be vast differences in projects being delivered. She also speaks about running projects in an agile way where there is a degree of flex with balancing the needs of central agencies who require costings and reporting to be provided in a more traditional and formal format.
Listen to her full episode here
Innovation isn’t just about creating something new and shiny; it is also about finding new ways of doing something. Listen in as Maree Bridger, Chief Operating Officer at the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication, and the Arts, provides her unique perspective on innovating in the public sector. Maree explains that in her experience, innovation can take time, it can be slow and it can be incremental. Often, you may not think that you are innovating or moving forward, but when you look back, the tweaking and adjusting along the way has led you to a new place. That’s innovation, although it may not be called out as that at the time.
Listen to her full episode here
Maree Bridger, Chief Operating Officer at the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication, and the Arts, describes how her department adopted ‘Red is your friend’ in how they viewed and presented projects that weren’t going to plan. Maree explains that at first, it had a high degree of scepticism, and it took 18 months of a concerted effort for teams to understand why a project was going red and how, at a corporate level, they were supported and helped to turn it around.
Listen to her full episode here